Muscle relaxation and CBD

CBD has many virtues, including the little-known muscle relaxation .

Indeed it acts on the nervous system as a regulator.

For scientists, the active molecule is called Cannibidiol and intervenes in the endocannabinoid system by binding to the receptors.

The goal is homeostasis, ie the optimal regulation of the human body.

We will detail for you the scientific aspect of the action of CBD on the muscles as well as all the benefits that can result from it!

How does CBD allow muscle relaxation?

Recent advances in understanding the effects of endocannabinoids are amazing!

The main role of CBD is to supplement the body with endocannabinoids in order to limit its deficiency.

It is the action on this system that allows relaxation and muscle relaxation.

What is the endocannabinoid system?

The endocannabinoid system is a communication system for regulating the human body.

It is essential for the maintains homeostasis by allowing the body to remain stable, despite fatigue, hunger or pain.

For this, it regulates all kinds of essential functions of the human body (body temperature, blood pressure, blood sugar…).

The system is made up of cannabinoid receptors to which cannibidiol, which is the CBD molecule, will bind.

These receptors are named CB1 and CB2:

CB1 which are present mainly in the central nervous system (but also in the lungs, the muscles and the intestines).CB2 intervening mainly in the immune defenses, the dermis and the bones

By fixing, CBD transiently modifies their functions.

How cannabinoids work?

The molecules created automatically by the body are called endocannabinoids . They are produced “on demand” following a stimulus such as stress to adjust and regulate bodily reaction.

They have the particularity of acting locally and transiently and are rapidly degraded by the body.

There are 2 main categories:

Endocannabinoids which are therefore produced “on demand” by the bodyPhytocannabinoids, therefore present in cannabis Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD).

What are the effects of CBD?

The main effects of CBD are motor, painkiller, anxiolytic .

Muscle relaxation thanks to CBD

The latest studies show that the stimulation of CB1 receptors would reduce the symptoms of dopaminergic hyperactivity.

These receptors are involved in many neuropsychiatric diseases such as tics accompanying Tourette's syndrome or patients with Parkinson's.

CBD could therefore make it possible to limit muscle contractions linked to certain muscle pathologies.

In addition, in the striatum, cannabinoids also play an inhibiting role in the control of motor skills, which would oppose the facilitating effects of dopamine.

This action is the main element allowing muscle relaxation.

Relaxation and CBD

For scientists, fixing on its receptors induces a lasting decrease in glutamate, thus promoting body regulation leading to its relaxation.

Therefore it is appropriate to use CBD to reduce back pain, whether inflammatory, mechanical or stress-related.

It also plays a role in lipogenesis and appetite control, thus helping to fight obesity.

Finally, CBD also has many indications in chronic pathologies that could be caused by a low level of endocannabinoids. The pathologies on which it can particularly act are irritable bowel syndrome, migraine and fibromyalgia.

Source :

Piomelli D, Giuffrida A, Calignano A, Rodriguez de Fonseca F. The endocannabinoid system as a target for therapeutic drugs. Trends Pharmacol Sci 2000; 21: 218–24. Romero J, Lastres-Becker I, de Miguel R, et al. The endogenous cannabinoid system and the basal ganglia. Biochemical, pharmacological, and therapeutic aspects. Pharmacol Ther 2002; 95: 137–52. Ledent C, Valverde O, Cossu G, et al. Unresponsive to cannabinoids and induced addictive effects of opiates in CB1 receptor knockout mice. Science 1999; 283: 15Robbe D, Kopf M, Remaury A, Bockaert J, Manzoni OJ. Endogenous cannabinoids mediate long-term synaptic depression in the nucleus accumbens. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2002; 99: 8384–8.